Monday, May 17, 2010

People that think they are a character from Skins, is that cool?

SPOILER: Not the most entertaining post. Had to get this out there though.

Entertaining show right? Right. Wish we had parties like that. Yeah. Wish we had lifestyles like that. WRONG. Your life is not like that, people shouldn't behave like that and you probably shouldnt try to be a fictional character designed to warp and infect the minds of young people. Girls that are trying to be like Effy have lost the plot. A girl has actually used this line on me "You cant like me, i'll end up hurting you" Biggest load of shit i have ever heard, you are not worth my time. Guys trying to be Cook?? Youre all fucking disgusting excuses for human beings you fake pieces of shit. I hate people that try to be something they are not. Its not hard to just be yourself all the time and wait around for some good people to come into your life and love you for who you are, as opposed to changing who you are to manipulate everyone around you. And if no good people come around you're not trying hard enough or you're a shit person. One of the most basic principles of life is: what goes around comes around. You dont have to beleive in good and bad karma to understand this. If you are a greasy slime ball of a person, people are going to find out, people are going to get sick of you and eventually you will amount to the nothingness that you deserve. The only person you're fooling is yourself!