People that hate on Jessica Watson i hate you. Why are you always so jealous of other people? You are all losers, most likely slobs sitting on your asses watching daytime tv all day. Probably the sort of people that whinge like 5 year olds when the news is on because you dont get to watch neighbours or the simpsons even though you're in your 20s. How about before you criticise a great achievement you actually try to do something with your life. Sure, in a months time this girl will be forgotten, maybe even in a few days time.. because personally i had to ask what her name was. Australia. We are lackys and lazy slugs albeit the minority few. We are almost americans, but alot smarter. Just because the only thing you've acheived today is a killer pasta bake, cleaned the dishes and made the beds. Or just because you've laid a few bricks and smoked your pack for the day. Or just because you made your first million, does not validate you undermining someone elses acheivement. To that young girl, whatever her name was, i say well done for being what we all wish to be, a SOMEBODY.