I hate bootcut jeans, on guys and gals. Theres nothing attractive about bootcut whatsoever, its ugly and boring. One of the most annoying sounds also happens to be denim swishing against itself. Everytime i think of bootcut jeans, i think of old people and people with no sense of style. A real hipster works hard for his/her jeans, paying $100 dollars for denim in its rawest form. And why not? Its fashionable and looks good as opposed to looking like you're stuck in the 90's. When you're cold and need someone to hug your ankles, who's going to be there for you? Dont look at bootcut, he'll be flapping about in the wind showing the world your odd socks and hairy legs. You might aswell be wearing parachute pants; this way when you jump off a building to kill yourself because you've realised how much of an idiot you look like, you might catch enough air in your ridiculous flares to survive the fall.